It’s January- the time of year for a fresh start, new goals, and…new diets? These days it seems as though everywhere I turn I am bombarded with ads about what kind of foods we either need to completely cut out or foods we should only allow ourselves to eat, along with ads about how much […]
A few days ago, I ate lunch at 10:00 AM. A very filling, substantial lunch at that! I’ve noticed that ever since I had a baby, different routines in my day have been gradually moving up (including bedtime after a busy day with a toddler!) A couple years ago there is no way I would […]
Introducing new foods to babies can be a fun experience- but it can also be stressful at times! Especially stressful when introducing some of the top allergens. I experienced this firsthand with my son when he was about 8 months old and had a reaction to peanut butter. After a series of tests and oral […]
I have noticed a very common pattern when talking with people about their food choices, whether I am working directly with clients or just in conversation with friends/others. People can be so hard on themselves when it comes to their eating habits! I hear of people putting post-it notes up with negative messages to remind […]
As a dietitian, I understand the importance of cooking meals from home more often than eating out—both from a budget and health perspective. However, I am willing to admit that I am just not a natural when it comes to cooking. In my younger years I didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the […]
This year for Christmas, I created my own personal themed tree. I know what you may be thinking…a dietitian’s themed tree must be decorated with fruit, vegetables, whole grains, or something along those lines. So, you may be surprised to learn that my tree is actually full of desserts. Over the years, I have been […]
Over my years working as a dietitian, I have met with many people who come to me full of anxiety and fear over a recent diagnosis and how they are going to change their diet to improve their health. It’s so understandable to feel scared and overwhelmed with a new medical diagnosis. Let’s take diabetes, […]
April is #MoveMoreMonth, so it can be a time to reflect on our activity level. Before you stop reading this, I promise this isn’t a post trying to guilt you into exercising more! To be honest, sometimes I think “Move More” can sound a little harsh. For some people, it can be challenging to get […]
March is National Nutrition Month®, and this year’s theme is “Personalize Your Plate.” The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers several important points this year, including: “Eat a variety of foods from each food group. Plan ahead to make nutrition meals for the week. Learn culinary skills to create delicious meals. Choose healthful foods that […]
Have you ever eaten something so quickly you barely tasted it? Or ate while you were driving/watching TV and missed out on tasting and enjoying your food? Taste is one of our five senses, and I have really learned not to take this one for granted. When I had covid-19 several months ago, I lost […]